
Affectionate, easygoing and one of the biggest domesticated cat breeds

Ragdoll is a large and quite muscular cat breed with a soft and silky coat that is medium in length. This breed is famous for its affectionate nature and relaxed demeanour.

iconCountry of origin: Country
iconPersonality: Obedient, Intelligent, Alert, Curious, Loyal, Confident, Watchful, Courageous
iconCoat: Shorthair
iconColour: Black, Black & Tan, Sable, Red & Black, Grey, Black & Silver
iconCharacteristics: Curly coat, short tail
iconLife expectancy: from 9 to 13 years

Ragdoll kittens

Ragdoll kittens are rather easygoing and intelligent, so should learn quickly and can easily pick up tricks. Always remember to begin kitten training as soon as possible. In general, cats respond well to rewards and praise in training, so always have some treats handy -  Kycklingfile or Tuna Recipe from Husse range make for a tasty motivation in your cat’s learning process. Distracting your kitten with a toy is also a great training technique. Try to shift your cat’s focus whenever a kitten does something unacceptable to promote good behaviour in adult life. Kittens should be fed a special diet made specifically for them until at least one year of age. Between 2nd and 6th month of their life kittens go through a rapid growth stage. A balanced diet that will deliver all the necessary nutrients and energy to sustain such rapid development is a must. Kattunge from Husse range was designed to meet kittens’ unique nutritional needs.

Ragdoll’s nutrition

As Ragdolls are one of the biggest cat breeds, with adult males weighing up to 9kg, these cats must be provided with a healthy and well-balanced diet and a proper amount of physical activity to keep them in the best shape possible. Kroketter from Husse range is a complete and balanced diet in two taste variants: chicken and fish and provides optimal nutrition for cats with normal energy levels. Ragdolls are not the biggest fans of the outdoors and do enjoy their time spent lounging on the couch. Monitor your cat’s weight and feed the recommended amount for their specific size. Ragdolls are somewhat prone to urinary tract issues, namely bladder stones. Should your Ragdoll cat experience problems with urinary health, switching to Exclusive Urinary dry food containing natural cranberry extract and balanced levels of magnesium, calcium and phosphorus will help support your cat’s urinary tract.

Recommended for Ragdoll cats:

Exclusive Kattunge | Balanced dry food for kittens & mother cats

Exclusive Kattunge is recommended for kittens from weaning to 12 months with high content of animal protein and fat to support healthy growth. Also suitable for pregnant and nursing cats.
Protein: 34%
Fat content: 21%
Check it out

Exclusive Urinary | Balanced dry food formulated for urinary system support in adult cats

Exclusive Urinary contains low magnesium content and cranberry, reduces urinary pH and stimulates water intake to support urinary health.
Protein: 26.0%
Fat content: 20.0%
Check it out

Detailed description of Ragdoll

Ragdolls appear as strongly built and muscular cats that are large in size. They have a rather long and silky coat and are known for going completely limp when picked up by someone, who they trust.


Ragdoll is considered to be a modern cat breed, with the breed’s history beginning in the 1960s. A breeder of Persian cats from California crossed white domestic longhaired cat named Josephine with a Burmese or Birman cat that had a point colouration typical of the Siamese cats. Cats from that litter were later selectively bred with Persian and Burmese cats to produce a breed known today as Ragdoll. The breed got its name from the cats’ tendency to go limp and relaxed when picked up. Ragdolls were bred to be placid in nature, affectionate and loyal to their human.


Ragdoll is one of the biggest domesticated cat breeds with adults measuring up to 53 cm in length and weighing up to 9kg. This cat breed has a sturdy body and a large frame paired up with proportional legs. Eyes are large, oval and blue in colour. Ragdolls have a silky coat that is longer on the stomach, neck and hind legs. The coat lacks a dense undercoat that supposedly reduces shedding and matting of the fur. Ragdolls usually come in three fur patterns: colourpoint, where the extremities on the body (face, ears, tail and legs) are darker than the rest, mitted, resembling colourpoint, but paws and tail remain light and bicolour, where most of the coat is light and a triangle of white fur appears on a darker face.


This cat breed is very affectionate with humans and will usually follow the owner around the house. Ragdolls make for very curious cats and will gladly take part in any activities around the house, intently observing their surroundings. They are known for easily adapting to their human’s routine. These cats will gladly greet their people at the door and leap into a lap whenever possible. Ragdolls feel most comfortably indoors, where they can lay on the couch or chair. Cats of this breed are not the biggest climbers, and will usually be happy to stay on the same level as their people. Ragdolls are not excessively vocal, and will typically meow to remind you of mealtime or demand petting. This breed is famous for its tendency to go completely limp when carried on hands.


As Ragdolls are quite an intelligent cat breed they do require more mental stimulation to keep them happy and in their best shape. Ragdolls are fond of retrieving toys they have been tossed. Since Ragdoll is big in size providing your cat with a big litterbox and sturdy and tall scratching post is necessary. Bear in mind, that as Ragdolls are not the biggest fans of heights and climbing, you do not need to supply them with a tall cat tree. Ragdollsdo not particularly like nature and are best kept as indoor-only cats.

Daily care

With the long one-layered coat that lacks a dense undercoat, Ragdoll’s fur does not require any additional care apart from regular brushing. With long fur on the tail and back of the hind legs, Ragdolls may get some faeces stuck in their fur. If it happens make sure to clean your cat with a damp towel or wet wipe made specifically for cats. Trim your cat’s claws when they get too long.

dr Anna Plummervet and blogger

Perfect products for a Ragdoll cat

Grain & Gluten Free


4 Sorter, 4 x 100 g | Pack of 4 pouches with chunks in gravy for cats

Variety pack with 4 different recipes



Exclusive Kattunge, 2kg - Husse Natural Complete Kitten Delicious Dry Cat Food High Chicken Meat Content

High content of tasty & high-quality animal protein for a healthy growth



Grain & Gluten Free

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Frankie is a 16-year-old cat who was earlier this year diagnosed with Kidney issues. When tasked with looking for suitable food for his condition we discovered Husse's Exclusive Urinary. Frankie has happily been eating Husse since and is still extremely healthy at his old age!


Olly is a thirteen-year-old Bichon Frise, Who has been on Husse for the last 6 years. Being a white-haired pink-skinned dog he is prone to skin issues however ever since using Husse laxolja salmon oil and Ocean care mini salmon dog food he has been In perfect condition with no skin problems arising. Thank you Husse for taking care of my boy!

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Husse - Swedish food for dogs, cats and horses

Husse is a Swedish producer of food for dogs, cats and horses with over 30 years of experience on the market. Husse's main goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle for animals. All Husse feeds, treats and supplements are made only from the highest quality, carefully selected ingredients. All products are manufactured according to traditional Scandinavian recipes, and the production lines are under constant veterinary control. Apart from the quality of Husse products, it also means the quality of the service. Husse distributors are thoroughly trained in animal nutrition and will be happy to help you choose the right diet for your dog, cat or horse. Husse products are not available in a traditional sales network - we deliver them straight from the factory to the customer, so we can offer the highest quality products at competitive prices. Husse food can always be ordered with door-to-door delivery. 

Everything you need for your pet in one place

In Husse's offer you will find everything your pet may need. Our dry food for dogs and cats is a great foundation of their diet - dry food is properly balanced diets tailored to the needs of dogs and cats of various sizes and at various stages of life, i.e. puppies and kittens, adult and senior dogs and cats. Do you have a dog or cat with special nutritional needs? We took care of the special needs of animals with a sensitive digestive system and food allergies, after sterilization or castration, and pets with a tendency to overweight. Are you looking for toys for dogs and cats? Husse toys are made of the highest quality materials, they are durable and will provide your pet with hours of entertainment. You can diversify the healthy and natural diet of your dog, cat or horse with tasty delicacies. Treats for dogs, cats and horses are a tasty addition to their diet and a great reward during training and training. Do you need grooming products for your pet? Get shampoos, care cosmetics, oils and lotions with which you will take care of the beautiful and healthy appearance of your dog, cat or horse.