Siberian cat

Agile, affectionate but not needy

Siberian cat is a landrace of domesticated cats from Russia. This breed originally comes from Siberia and it developed all by itself without human participation.

iconCountry of origin: Russia
iconPersonality: Energetic, Active, Even-tempered,
iconCoat: Longhair
iconColour: Seal point, Blue point, Lilac point, Chocolate point
iconCharacteristics: Point colouration, Blue, almond-shaped eyes, Triangular head, Large ears
iconLife expectancy: from 11 to 18 years

Siberian cat kittens

Siberian cat kittens are energetic and active, they love to play, can enjoy various activities involving water and can quickly pick up tricks that can keep their smart brains in good condition. Siberian cats are great at jumping, so these felines will need their tall cat trees as soon as possible, otherwise, you will find them climbing bookcases, perching on doors or any high points in your home. In their first year kittens grow rapidly, so feeding a well-balanced diet composed of healthy and natural ingredients is vital for your kitten’s health and proper development. Kattunge from Husse range is a dry kitten food that will supply your kitten with all the necessary nutrients and all vital supplements, such as taurine for eyes and heart support.

Siberian cat’s nutrition

Since Siberian cats are typically active they do require a well-balanced diet that will fulfil all their dietary needs. Exclusive Lyster Care can be a great maintenance food for your Siberian. To promote good coat health of your longhaired Siberian you can supplement your feline’s diet with Laxolja natural salmon oil that is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

Recommended for Siberian cats:

Exclusive Kattunge | Balanced dry food for kittens & mother cats

Exclusive Kattunge is recommended for kittens from weaning to 12 months with high content of animal protein and fat to support healthy growth. Also suitable for pregnant and nursing cats.
Protein: 34%
Fat content: 21%
Check it out

Opus Lynx | Complete, grain free nutrition for adult cats

Opus Lynx is a grain and gluten free recipe inspired by the diet of wild Lynx, rich in protein and fat, low in carbohydrates.
Protein: 40.0% (90% animal protein of total protein content)
Fat content: 20.0%
Check it out

Detailed description of Siberian cat

Siberian cats are native cat breed from the taiga of Siberia. This breed has a long three-layered coat to protect them from harsh winters. Siberian cats have been known in Russia for approximately 1000 years and are often mentioned in Russian folktales.


Siberian cat is a landrace of domesticated cats originating from Siberia. The first mentions of large and strong cats with a thick coat allowing them to withstand extreme colds date back to 16th century. Siberian cats were brought the United States in 1990, but the costs of importing cats from Russia keeps this breed relatively rare outside Europe to this day.


Siberian cats are big and strongly built cats with long and muscular hind legs making these cats very agile jumpers. Because of the significant difference in length of their legs, Siberians have visibly arched backs that supposedly contributed to their great agility and athleticism. Their fur is textured but glossy, which decreases the occurrence of matting, and have water-repelling quality. Siberian cats’ tails are wide and covered in thick fur. Their fur is most commonly agouti coloured, where each hair strand is coloured with bands of black, brown and yellow. This usually results in a tabby brown Siberian cat that is either striped, spotted or blotched. Siberian cats have trapezoid-shaped heads and broad foreheads. Their ears are slightly rounded with tufts of hair at the tips.


Siberian cats are active and playful and will happily participate in a game of fetch. These highly athletic and agile cats can often be found perching on top of the highest point in the room. They are quite clever, so teaching your Siberian cat tricks can be a fun way to exercise your feline’s brain. Keep your personal belongings out of your cat’s sight and provide many toys, as these cats love to play with anything they can get their paws on. These felines will also enjoy playing in and with water. Besides being playful Siberian cats are very loving and affectionate. You can expect a cat of this breed to follow you around everywhere you go and take part in any activity. These cats should generally feel quite comfortable around strangers. Though Siberian cats love the attention, they are not needy in any way. They will wait patiently until you can devote some time to them.


These smart and active felines will need daily physical and mental stimulation to keep them in the best shape possible. As they are avid jumpers you will have to provide your Siberian cat with a tall cat tree for jumping, climbing and perching. Though cats of this breed are rather affectionate they are not needy in any way. They will wait patiently for you to pay attention to them, so remember to spend some time with your cat.

Daily care

Siberian cats have a long and three-layered coat that does not mat too easily, so brushing a couple of times a week should suffice. During shedding season some additional brushing can help get rid of the dead hairs and prevent hairballs forming in your cat’s digestive system. Since Siberian cats have a long coat on the tail as well as britches you may have to check occasionally for faeces stuck in your cat’s fur. Long fur in between Siberian cat’s toe pads can hold excess dirt and cat litter, so make sure to check your feline’s paws and clean them with wet wipes made specifically for cats.

dr Anna Plummervet and blogger

Perfect products for Siberian cats

Grain & Gluten Free


Aptit Kyckling, 70 g | Chicken meal topper for cats

Tasty appetiser in pouch


Aptit Tonfisk, 70 g | Tuna meal topper for cats

Tasty appetiser in pouch


Grain & Gluten Free



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Frankie is a 16-year-old cat who was earlier this year diagnosed with Kidney issues. When tasked with looking for suitable food for his condition we discovered Husse's Exclusive Urinary. Frankie has happily been eating Husse since and is still extremely healthy at his old age!


Olly is a thirteen-year-old Bichon Frise, Who has been on Husse for the last 6 years. Being a white-haired pink-skinned dog he is prone to skin issues however ever since using Husse laxolja salmon oil and Ocean care mini salmon dog food he has been In perfect condition with no skin problems arising. Thank you Husse for taking care of my boy!

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Husse - Swedish food for dogs, cats and horses

Husse is a Swedish producer of food for dogs, cats and horses with over 30 years of experience on the market. Husse's main goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle for animals. All Husse feeds, treats and supplements are made only from the highest quality, carefully selected ingredients. All products are manufactured according to traditional Scandinavian recipes, and the production lines are under constant veterinary control. Apart from the quality of Husse products, it also means the quality of the service. Husse distributors are thoroughly trained in animal nutrition and will be happy to help you choose the right diet for your dog, cat or horse. Husse products are not available in a traditional sales network - we deliver them straight from the factory to the customer, so we can offer the highest quality products at competitive prices. Husse food can always be ordered with door-to-door delivery. 

Everything you need for your pet in one place

In Husse's offer you will find everything your pet may need. Our dry food for dogs and cats is a great foundation of their diet - dry food is properly balanced diets tailored to the needs of dogs and cats of various sizes and at various stages of life, i.e. puppies and kittens, adult and senior dogs and cats. Do you have a dog or cat with special nutritional needs? We took care of the special needs of animals with a sensitive digestive system and food allergies, after sterilization or castration, and pets with a tendency to overweight. Are you looking for toys for dogs and cats? Husse toys are made of the highest quality materials, they are durable and will provide your pet with hours of entertainment. You can diversify the healthy and natural diet of your dog, cat or horse with tasty delicacies. Treats for dogs, cats and horses are a tasty addition to their diet and a great reward during training and training. Do you need grooming products for your pet? Get shampoos, care cosmetics, oils and lotions with which you will take care of the beautiful and healthy appearance of your dog, cat or horse.